Your Next Client Is Waiting In The Wings


Yesterday’s Times reports that British businesses are bracing themselves for a trading downturn and the CBI reports “widespread pessimism” across the private sector. But I also read last week that Wingstop’s UK Franchise sale came about via a 4 sentence, utterly cold email to their Texas HQ.

So, there’s a choice for UK creative and marketing agencies right now. Batten down the hatches and hope for the best from existing client accounts or start getting your voice heard in the way you want it to come across.

Rainmaker creates highly impactful email outreach for clients, so in good times or bad, they retain control of their own destinies. They tell us which brands or organisations they want to win as new clients, then we go to work to research the challenges these targets individually face, along with the precise decision-maker(s) responsible. We reach out to them with perfectly tailored, issue-specific emails that dovetail our client’s capabilities with their exact agenda.

And this works. In the last week, our clients have self-qualified meetings arranged with, for example, a global water brand, a famous cereal, a top 10 consultancy group, a gigantic booze company, oh... and a fried chicken business too!

If you're feeling the urge to get out there and win some business, chat to Gareth Dixon.

Adam Killip